Sunday, March 27, 2011

Painted Faces

Amazing Eyes. So I'm not sure what this is about yet or how to describe it, but I'm playing with patterns, skin texture and eye color. So you guys should comment-talk to me about it.

Locks of Love

So it absolutely killing me not to post this on facebook, so I'm putting it on here.FINALLY after months of waiting, I have cut off all my long hair. Thank god. I have been waiting for months for it to reach ten inches so I could donate my hair again. I'm visiting friends in Washington however, and have yet to tell David I cut my hair on the trip and want to keep it a surprise. But I feel it's safe to post on here because I don't think he has ever or will ever read my blog. Maybe after he finds out I post secrets he will. So this is my new short hair, and a pic of my pony tail a few days before. And also I found a picture from the last time I donated my hair. I think it's just going to be my thing every few years!

Also, Please don't spill the beans to David if you know him! I've got until Tuesday night to keep it hidden =]

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Recent Projects

These are some of my recent pictures. More projects than work but I'm really enjoying it. And soon, on my birthday, I'm going to start my 365 project and I'll post once a week all of my pictures.

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